Phobos Anomaly

Apps. Projects. And stuff.


This is the 'Web Portfolio' for Tim Entwistle - a collection of screenshots and code snippets from apps and projects.

Machine Learning

A project to investigate different approaches in 'Machine Learning' applied to the task of learning the game of Tic-Tac-Toe. We will be using Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms.

Sample Code

Java code from the Neural Net Class.

Learn more

Other Projects

Game Development Utilities

An app to extract CGA graphics data from old (early 1980s) computer games, then convert them into a .PNG spritesheet.

Game Engines

A simple '2D RPG' game with collision detection and item pick-ups.

Written in Java using a 'runnable' JPanel from the Swift GUI library.

Smartphone Apps

A prototype for an app to teach Egyptian Hieroglyphs.

Written in Java for Android 4.0.3.